

Our implementation

The VVM project works on the development of a framework and methods for the safety assessment of automated vehicles in urban environments.

This includes



Methodology for efficient control of the test area

The VVM project analyses causal relationships that lead to critical situations and accidents in urban road traffic on the basis of the Urban Intersection Use Case. The causal relationships will be analysed, classified, generalised to scenarios and a safety evaluation will be conducted. On this basis, safety concepts and requirements will be developed that guarantee the safe operation of vehicles. From these requirements and safety concepts for the behaviour of vehicles, system requirements and test procedures will then be derived.



Validation methodology across all system levels

Already today, the limits of feasibility are reached when comprehensive system tests are conducted via real world drives. A new approach for testing increasingly complex systems is therefore urgently needed. Thus, the VVM project is working on designing behavioural demands on vehicles in such a way that they can also be applied to hierarchical subsystems and components. Thereby a test hierarchy is established, which makes it possible to validate not only the entire vehicle but also sub-systems and components. As a result, in the future it will no longer be necessary to repeat all tests via real world drives for every new development. Instead, only newly developed components are validated and verified in tests to once again guarantee a safe overall system.



Generation of a continuous testing sequence across all test platforms from simulation to real world driving

The developed test methods are implemented in a validation framework in such a way that different test platforms can be used. The test platforms from simulation, component test to real world tests can be combined to efficiently use the strengths of the individual testing options. The VVM project is working on the development and demonstration of a continuous testing sequence from simulation to real world driving, which uses the respective strengths of the individual test platforms and efficiently combines their results into an overall safety assessment.